
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Matan a cuatro celadores del Cereso de Torreón

Matan a cuatro celadores del Cereso de TorreónLa Fiscalía del Estado informó que Poco después de las 17.00 horas de este viernes, fueron muertos a balazos cuatro custodios del Centro de Reinserción ...Matan a cuatro celadores del Cereso de Torreón

Looks like barbie weather for Christmas

Looks like barbie weather for ChristmasA high-pressure anti-cyclone would linger across New Zealand during the week, bringing warmer temperatures and clearing away this weekend's expected showers ...Looks like barbie weather for Christmas

Court that freed Knox attacks glaring errors in prosecution

Court that freed Knox attacks glaring errors in prosecutionCourt that freed Knox attacks glaring errors in prosecutionWhat goes into the special effects that make a movie like Rise of the Planet of the Apes? Do movies ... Stepping into the Laurieston Bar is like going back ...Court that freed Knox attacks glaring errors in prosecution

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