
Monday, November 28, 2011

Iran minister says fighting narcotics requires international will

Iran minister says fighting narcotics requires international willIran minister says fighting narcotics requires international will In separate meetings with heads of anti-narcotics headquarters of Afghanistan and Pakistan here, he highlighted the importance of cooperation in anti-narcotics campaigns. He also stressed the need for joint programming and operations in both regional ... Iran minister says fighting narcotics requires international will

带指纹传感 索尼 SA25EC笔记本预装WIn7

带指纹传感 索尼 SA25EC笔记本预装WIn7 索尼SA25EC定位在SD和Z系之间,延续了SD系列精致纤薄的特点,同时在一些细节配置及功能较SD定位要高。该本采用了全新Intel酷睿二代i5-2520M处理器,搭载了1GB独立显存的AMD Radeon 6630M高性能独立显卡,支持双显卡切 ... 带指纹传感 索尼 SA25EC笔记本预装WIn7

报废电梯带病上岗曝地下产业链 回收翻新再贩卖

报废电梯带病上岗曝地下产业链 回收翻新再贩卖 杭州市萧山区一电梯维修工在维修一部电梯时发生意外死亡,而事故调查发现,这部电梯竟然是用报废电梯的部件违法拼装的。进一步调查发现,萧山区有一个报废电梯回收、翻新、贩卖的利益链。 电梯事故致人身亡,报废的电梯 ... 报废电梯带病上岗曝地下产业链 回收翻新再贩卖

Corinthians vence Figueirense, mas adia festa. Veja as imagens

Corinthians vence Figueirense, mas adia festa. Veja as imagens O Corinthians está a um empate do título do Campeonato Brasileiro 2011. O time paulista venceu o Figueirense na tarde deste domingo no Orlando Scarpelli por 1 a 0, mas guardou a festa do título para a rodada final. A vitória cruzmaltina por 2 a 1, ... Corinthians vence Figueirense, mas adia festa. Veja as imagens


长安标致雪铁龙汽车公司成立 本报电 注册资金40亿元、初期投资84亿元、双方各占股本50%的长安标致雪铁龙汽车有限公司,日前在深圳成立。作为近年来国内投资额最大的中外合资汽车项目之一,长安标致雪铁龙一期建设产能20万辆整车,未来将生产标致雪 ... 长安标致雪铁龙汽车公司成立

Yemen Shiite Houthis Fight Salafists Near Saudi Arabia's Border

Yemen Shiite Houthis Fight Salafists Near Saudi Arabia's Border By Mohammed Hatem Nov. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Yemen's Shiite Muslim Houthis killed 24 Salafist Sunni Muslims yesterday after a week of sporadic fighting between the two religious communities in the north of the country near the border with Saudi Arabia. ... Yemen Shiite Houthis Fight Salafists Near Saudi Arabia's Border

Body of one member of Russian crew recovered as coastguard searches for ...

Body of one member of Russian crew recovered as coastguard searches for ...Body of one member of Russian crew recovered as coastguard searches for ... One sailor has died and five more are missing after a huge wave snapped the hull of a cargo ship off the coast of north Wales, sinking the vessel almost instantly. Two members of the eight-strong Russian crew were pulled from the water by an RAF rescue ... Body of one member of Russian crew recovered as coastguard searches for ...

Fotofinish zwischen Brunner und Rechsteiner

Fotofinish zwischen Brunner und Rechsteiner Im Kampf um den zweiten St.Galler Ständeratssitz zeichnet sich ein Fotofinish ab. SVP-Präsident Toni Brunner und SP-Nationalrat Paul Rechsteiner liegen dicht beieinander. Jede Stimme zählt: SVP-Präsident Toni Brunner muss zittern. St.Gallen. ... Fotofinish zwischen Brunner und Rechsteiner

Drug violence in Mexico takes horrific toll

Drug violence in Mexico takes horrific toll By Star-Ledger Staff The stories from the Mexico drug wars have been horrific: More than 45000 people have been killed since 2006, and the reign of terror has included kidnappings, beheadings, murders of civilians and officials, and the dumping of ... Drug violence in Mexico takes horrific toll

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