
Monday, November 14, 2011

广工宿舍天花坍塌 7米水泥板坠落

广工宿舍天花坍塌 7米水泥板坠落 横梁天花坍塌,幸亏无人伤亡。前晚,广东工业大学大学城校区西区一栋宿舍过道横梁上的天花坍塌,约7米长的水泥板突然掉下,断成两截,所幸无造成人员伤亡。 昨日,有学生在微博上透露此事。记者采访相关学生,这位学生表示 ... 广工宿舍天花坍塌 7米水泥板坠落

Worst crisis since WWII: Merkel

Worst crisis since WWII: Merkel BRITAIN will use the debt crisis to help to reshape the way Europe does business, David Cameron said last night, as Angela Merkel gave warning that the Continent faced its worst crisis since the Second World War. The Prime Minister said that the chaos ... Worst crisis since WWII: Merkel

López ve las leyes del PSOE diseñadas para Castilla y León

López ve las leyes del PSOE diseñadas para Castilla y León El secretario general del PSOE en Castilla y León y asesor del Comité Electoral de este partido, Óscar López, defendió ayer que el trato del Gobierno de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero con Castilla y León y apuntó, además, que las leyes «más importantes» ... López ve las leyes del PSOE diseñadas para Castilla y León

Poor states have less wiggle room as risks rise - IMF

Poor states have less wiggle room as risks rise - IMF By Lesley Wroughton A report by the International Monetary Fund said there are "severe downside risks" to the global economic outlook and that the impact of another global slowdown on the poor could be even larger should world food prices rise again. ... Poor states have less wiggle room as risks rise - IMF

上海金融博览会18日开幕 将新增中小企业服务展区

上海金融博览会18日开幕 将新增中小企业服务展区 2011年上海金融博览会暨第九届理财博览会将于11月18日在上海展览中心开幕。 2011年上海金融博览会暨第九届理财博览会将于11月18日在上海展览中心开幕。与往年不同,本届金融博览会在个人理财服务之外,将新增中小企 ... 上海金融博览会18日开幕 将新增中小企业服务展区

Police quizzed cricket writer Peter Roebuck about man before his death

Police quizzed cricket writer Peter Roebuck about man before his death Cricket commentator Peter Roebuck is believed to have been talked to by police investigating sexual assault claims. Picture: ABC Source: Supplied Cricket commentator and journalist Peter Roebuck died after jumping from his hotel room in South Africa. ... Police quizzed cricket writer Peter Roebuck about man before his death

Filme 'Bicho de Sete Cabeças' será exibido no Cinema d(e) Horror

Filme 'Bicho de Sete Cabeças' será exibido no Cinema d(e) Horror Na próxima quarta-feira (16), o filme "Bicho de Sete Cabeças" será atração do Projeto Cinema d(e) Horror, às 18h30min na sala Rubens Corrêa, no Centro Cultural José Octávio Guizzo, localizado na Rua 26 de Agosto, centro de Campo Grande. ... Filme 'Bicho de Sete Cabeças' será exibido no Cinema d(e) Horror

NETAPP INC.: Lustre Performance Benchmark for Fair and Transparent Big Dat..

NETAPP INC.: Lustre Performance Benchmark for Fair and Transparent Big Dat.. NetApp Inc. : Lustre Performance Benchmark for Fair and Transparent Big Data Solution Comparisons Proposed by NetApp and Whamcloud SEATTLE, WA (November 14, 2011) - As big data analytics, real-time modeling and simulation advancements in science, ... NETAPP INC.: Lustre Performance Benchmark for Fair and Transparent Big Dat..

El Gobierno pasó a los controladores aéreos a la órbita de la Fuerza Aérea

El Gobierno pasó a los controladores aéreos a la órbita de la Fuerza AéreaEl Gobierno pasó a los controladores aéreos a la órbita de la Fuerza Aérea Cristina Kirchner ordenó el pase a través del decreto 1840. La acción estratégica tiene como principal objetivo solucionar los problemas ocasionados por "un paro encubierto" de APTA. Desde el sábado por la noche, los vuelos internacionales de ... El Gobierno pasó a los controladores aéreos a la órbita de la Fuerza Aérea

'우윳값에 이어 요구르트도'...도미노 가격인상

'우윳값에 이어 요구르트도'...도미노 가격인상 원유 가격 상승으로 지난달 우윳값이 오르면서 요구르트 값도 줄줄이 오르고 있습니다. 제조사 별로 값을 10% 안팎으로 올릴 것으로 보이는데, 소비자들의 주머니 사정은 더 빡빡해 졌습니다. 우유에 유산균을 넣어 발효시킨 요구르트. 어른 아이 할 것 없이 많은 ... '우윳값에 이어 요구르트도'...도미노 가격인상

La nueva nave rusa Soyuz despega rumbo a la Estación Espacial Internacional

La nueva nave rusa Soyuz despega rumbo a la Estación Espacial Internacional La nave rusa Soyuz TMA-22, con tres tripulantes a bordo, ha despegado este lunes rumbo a la Estación Espacial Internacional (EEI). El lanzamiento de la Soyuz TMA-22 se produjo a las 04.14 GMT (las 5.14 hora peninsular española) con ayuda de un cohete ... La nueva nave rusa Soyuz despega rumbo a la Estación Espacial Internacional

意大利紧张政局缓和 沪铜强势反弹

意大利紧张政局缓和 沪铜强势反弹 上海期货交易所期铜11月14日早盘高开向上,主力合约1201合约收58360元/吨,涨2900元。因意大利通过紧缩法案,总理贝卢斯科尼辞职,国债收益率回落。美国经济数据向好,恢复了市场信心,提振工业金属需求预期。另外中国微 ... 意大利紧张政局缓和 沪铜强势反弹

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